/> Clean Convenient Cuisine: Which Meat To Eat?

Clean Convenient Cuisine

Reset your tastebuds!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Which Meat To Eat?

Walk into any grocery store and those glass display cases gleaming with fresh heaps of red, slaughtered animals can send you wheeling straight to the freezer section. But, guess what? There's a reason there are employees behind those counters. They really are there to help you, and if you're clueless about what to get, what's healthy or how to prepare it, they can lead you in the right direction.

There are just a few rules when picking meat (in terms of making the healthiest selections):

1. Always go for ORGANIC meat when possible. Though you will pay more, your body will thank you. Why is organic better than other industrial brands? Organic is congruent with nature. There are no synthetic hormones, pesticides or antibiotics, and the animals are usually fed 100% certified organic pasture and feed. In most cases, the animals are treated better too, and the meat is fresher and more flavorful. Eating normal meats that have been pumped full of hormones and pesticides means that you, too, are ingesting these harmful materials. Many health issues have been linked to non-organic meats. Even if you can't afford organic produce, splurge when it comes to your meat.

2. Look for lean cuts of meat. This includes turkey, bison, flank steak, most types of fish and chicken breasts. While chicken, turkey and bison are pretty self-explanatory, fish can be slightly overwhelming with all the different types. Recently, Alex went to the store in search of Pollock (a cheaper white fish, similar to tilapia). Instead, he came home with sole and white fish - a white fish that was beyond delicious, perfectly spiced and served hot over a giant salad. And a giant fillet (a pound) was only $9, as compared to $22 for two small salmon fillets.

3. When purchasing fresh meat, cook them within 24-48 hours. The quicker you can cook your meat, the better. Some people shy away from buying fresh, as they think it will go to waste. This is where having a "plan" comes into play. If you buy a big fillet of fish, cook it that night with veggies and make up some fish tacos for lunch the next day. Know what you are cooking. It's half the fun.

4. If you are looking at fillets, and the price is kind of high, ask the person behind the counter what a pound looks like. You usually get a better price per pound than per fillet.

5. Get cooking tips! Ask the people behind the counter what's the best way to prepare your purchased meats. Again, they are like encyclopedias of their products. Ask and you shall receive!

The same thing goes for the deli counter. Look for meats that haven't been made with a ton of salt and ask for your healthiest options.


  1. I always pass the meat counter and cringe since I used to be a vegetarian. This makes it slightly more bearable. I don't know why I don't talk to the guys (or girls) behind the counter. That is my mission this week!

  2. Glad to be of help! If you're looking for fresh proteins, it's definitely the place to be! Let us know how it turns out! :)
